Workshop Logistics

Participate in S2D-OLAD:

The workshop is hosted at ICLR 2021. As a results, to participate in the workshop, you must register for ICLR. Once registered, you can participate in the workshop on Friday May 7th, 2021 by following the workshop live stream ICLR S2D-OLAD starting at 8:00 AM EST.

Invited Talks:

We have 4 45 minute invited talks. The speakers and times are listed here. Go to our ICLR workshop site to see the talks ICLR S2D-OLAD. After each talk, we will have a 15 minute live Q&A. Please post your questions to the speakers in Rocket Chat on our ICLR workshop site.

Panel discussion:

The penultimate session of the workshop will be a live panel discuss with our 4 speakers. The panel discussion will focus on technical questions related to representation learning with limited, imbalanced and rare data, along with a discussion of ethical questions related to learning in these settings. Please suggest questions to the panel in Rocket Chat on our ICLR workshop site.

Accepted papers:

The accepted papers are listed here. They will be presented in 4 minute pre-recorded videos and live virtual poster sessions. The papers are grouped into a morning spotlight and poster session and afternoon spotlight and poster session. Please check the schedule here to see when each paper will be streamed on our ICLR workshop site. The poster session will take place in gather town (Poster Session) immediately after the spotlight session. If you have a poster please find your session and stand virtually with your poster during the poster sessionĀ  You can find the link to the worksop gather town above and shared in Rocket Chat. Please click on the gather town link after the spotlight session to join the poster session. You can leave the workshop live stream open.

Breakout sessions:

In an attempt to get some of the benefits of an in-person workshop, there will be a virtual breakout session in gather town (Breakout Session) before lunch. In addition to the poster room, we have three rooms, number 1 - 3. With your help, we will assign topics to each of these rooms. Please choose a room with a topic that you are interested in and join the virtual discussion during the breakout session. We hope these rooms will provide a great venue to meet researchers with shared interests, share research ideas and develop new collaboration Please suggest topics for the breakout rooms in Rocket Chat. If we have many suggestions, we will take a poll to select the three topics with the greatest amount of interest. The link to our polling site is here and will be shared on Rocket Chat

Virtual Networking and small group meetings:

We encourage you to mingle, network, discuss topics of interest, and form small group meetings during lunch and throughout the day. You can meet with people in the workshop gather town (Breakout Session) at any time during the day.

Opinion Polling

We plan to poll workshop participants throughout the day for their opions on prefer breakout room topics, interesting outcomes of the workshop and the next steps. We will use Rocket Chat and the live stream to direct participants to the opinion poll questions. Our Easy Poll polling site is here.